So dissapointed Trader Joes is on the list there...solution, grow our own & farmers market. Id like Gates to just go away and rot themselves!!!

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It doesn’t mean that ALLLLL produce at Trader Joe’s has it so just check the labels and stickers and ask someone there for produce without APEEL. Def the best solution is to grow your own, support local farmers / farmers markets who aren’t using it etc!

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I found the FDA approval forms. The intended use of a mixture of monoacylglycerides derived

from grape seed on fruits and vegetables is estimated to result in an average daily intake of

109 mg/person/day and a maximum daily intake of 218mg/person/day. This stuff is going to be sprayed on everything. I do not think the FDA tested it. They let Apeel do the tests and report back to them results. Fox doing the testing. https://www.fda.gov/media/135999/download

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Same way the drug companies do their own testing - what's not to worry about there?!

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Hi, a friend used to work for a large commercial grower, and at a trade show found out that they could Lazer "tattoo" fruit as it came in the door from the harvest. That would eliminate stickers & reduce costs by the millions. The grower emphatically said no.

This friend later found out that was because stickers can be removed and replaced, tattoos can't. Definitely nefarious!

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I am finding out Apeel has deep ties to the World Economic Forum. You know the people who called themselves our masters and have members that think there are too many people on the planet that are worthless feeders. Some members have even suggested depopulation programs. You know those sweet Eugenics majors. https://www.weforum.org/organizations/apeel-sciences

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Yep. They are desperately trying to kill us all. It’s called genocide. And someone needs to ‘Genocide’ Bill Gates!!

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Grape seed risks. Except other research has found this "Increased Risk of Cancer

However, one noted risk of this oil is that some types may contain high levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), which can be dangerous to human health. PAHs have been found to cause cancer in some animals."

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I love this statement in the FDA approval form. " Other qualified and competent

scientists, reviewing the same publicly available toxicological and safety information, would reach the

same conclusion" Have there been any other scientists looking into this? Any company can hire a flashy talker, walk into the FDA, spill out some data, and get approved.

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Yea like the covid scien!!tists

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"There exists sufficient qualitative and quantitative scientific evidence, including human and animal data,

to determine safety-in-use for monoacylglycerides." My question is what if Apeel put something in their ingredients that was not just the above. The FDA never tested the actual product Apeel. They are going on a trust the company completely because companies do not lie.

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The FDA is NOT to be trusted any more either. The elites have infiltrated ALL aspects of our lives. Bought and paid for to do their evil bidding! People need to wake up!

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I agree with you.

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Will that really help? We must demand that APEEL stickers be on ALL their products.

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We couldn’t get them to label GMOs. Not enough people stood up for that.

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Too bad even if safe no one is asking is it ok to sell old veggies and fruit like it is fresh. I have to pay top dollar for something that may be over a month old. They make $$$$ I get stuck with old. A lot of comsumers on the food forums are already fans of it.

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I can put it on my face and stay young hahaaa.

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Potential Risks of Grapeseed Oil

There are currently not many known health risks of grapeseed oil as it is considered to be healthy and similar to olive oil. Therefore, more comprehensive research on its benefits and risks to health are required.

Increased Risk of Cancer

However, one noted risk of this oil is that some types may contain high levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), which can be dangerous to human health. PAHs have been found to cause cancer in some animals.

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I read they aren't labeling them all

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They all over the place doing damage control. Your blog here is getting harder and harder to find if not saved. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/apr/24/instagram-posts/bill-gates-is-not-poisoning-your-produce-with-apee/

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Yup. All search engines are inundated with pro-Apeel information. Anything questioning it is mostly buried, save a few pieces here and there.

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Their batches were tested and the finding were. Heavy metals were found in the batches. However our food does contain heavy metals. You find mercury in Tuna. Levels here are for a batch. Not a coating on apple. "Parameter Specifications

Physical appearance Varies in consistency from yellow liquids through

white- to pale yellow-colored plastics to hard, ivory-

colored or white to pale yellow solids (flakes,

powders or small beads)

Total glycerides Not less than 90 weight %

Mono- and diesters Not less than 70 weight %

α-Monoglyceride content Not less than 30 weight %

Total glycerol 16–33 weight %

Free glycerol Not more than 7 weight %

Soap (as sodium oleate) Not more than 6 weight %

Residue on ignition Not more than 0.5 % determined at 800 ± 25 °C

Acid value (1) Not more than 6

Iodine value Not more than 4

Water content Not more than 2 % (Karl Fisher method)

Processing Aid Residuals

Ethyl acetate (2) Not more than 21,000 mg/kg

Heptane (2) Not more than 23,000 mg/kg

Heavy Metals

Palladium (from Pd/C catalyst) Not more than 10 mg/kg

Arsenic (3) Not more than 3 mg/kg

Lead (3) Not more than 2 mg/kg

Cadmium (3) Not more than 1 mg/kg

Mercury (3) Not more than 1 mg/kg"

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We already pay a lot extra for organic produce."To me, intentionally coating fresh, unadulterated foods with something that contains toxins, even if in minute amounts, only adds to the toxic burden. We’re already dealing with pesticide residues on conventional fruits and vegetables. This coating will simply lock those toxins in and add additional ones on top". ttps://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/food-cooking/bill-gates-owns-synthetic-fruit-coating-what-s-in-it/

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Bill Gates probably personally pees into the Apeel vats at the factory and laughs like the devil.

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"A large amount

of grape seeds are produced from the waste of processed fruit products, like juice, jam and wine. These

waste products, such as peels, seeds and pulps, represent about 50% to 60% of the raw processed fruit

(Al Juhaimi et al., 2016). In recent years, grape seed has attracted attention due to it being a rich source

of oil that has both nutritional and bioactive constituents (Kamel et al., 1985; Göktürk Baydar & Akkurt,

2001; Hassanein & Abedel-Razek, 2009). For example, it has been established that grape seed oil is rich in

unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid (72% to 76%) (C itil et al., 2010; Akın & Altındişli, 2011). Grape

seed oil is regularly consumed as a component of salad dressings, marinades, deep frying, flavored oils,

baking, and is also found widely in a variety of cosmetic products (Akın & Altındişli, 2011). "

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Notice Apeel is doing their own research and conclusions. I do not know what the FDA is for looks like just to show off three letters. "On the basis of scientific procedures,3 Apeel Sciences considers the consumption ofa mixture of

monoacylglycerides derived from grape seed as an added food ingredient to be safe at levelsup to

218 mg/day. The estimated daily intake of monoacylglycerides derived from grape seed for the intended

use as a component of an edible coating for fruits and vegetables, if ingested daily over a lifetime, is

considered safe."

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This shows the FDA has not even run tests on this product because they do not have to according to law. They know the usual outcome of monoacylglycerides and future review to them is not needed. "Therefore, the intended use of a mixture of monoacylglycerides derived from grape seed is exempt from

the requirement of premarket approval under theFederal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).A

comprehensive search of the scientific literature on monoacylglycerides was utilized for this assessment."

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The FDA does not do any testing. They require food and drug manufacturers to do internal testing and submit the process and results for review. FDA doctors then review the paperwork and the data. It's insane how they are held up as a source of truth for anything.

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Yes make your voice heard every time you go where are the fruits and vegetables without the appeal on them ask for the manager if the clerk doesn’t know!!! Every time you go because you know it’ll probably be a different clerk and a different manager, they need to know that people don’t want it!!

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Farmers markets somemtimes sell food from grocery stores, fyi. MN for instance, hard to get fresh fruits in April when there is still snow on the ground, but as soon as farmer's markets open up, there is fruit avialable. Likely not grown organically or without apeel.

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Very true! Def something to ask the source each time

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Remember when we used to only eat fruit in season?

We really need to get back to that concent, rather than having food sprayed and shipped halfway around the world.

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Difficult. I have sent emails out to organic farmers and markets, etc. Getting nothing back re: there stands on the use of this agent. Sigh.

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Sorry, meant to write, their stand on t he use of this agent.

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Trader Joe’s has been known to be responsive to consumer feedback. Time to swarm them with our input on this! I suspect we’d have better luck influencing TJs than Costco, Safeway, and the rest. Though I suspect after time, it will become more difficult for stores to source unadulterated product. This is so discouraging!

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I happened to look in Target this week out of curiosity. I picked up an avocado and saw the sticker. I tossed it like a hot potato. So many people don't know about it I'm sure. I just found out about it myself and I like to think I keep up with all things like this.

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Trader Joe's was quite determined to have people muzzled during the plandemic...

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Me too and I work there…

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Gee, if only there were legal means for stopping this. Nope! Turns out that The Constitution AND bill of rights definitely state that if one can use one's public office for personal gain they should & that lobbying is therefore 100% illegal. No point using the internet to gather enough public support against lobbying, it is Definitely Legal.

I'll bet you're all relieved. For a second there, it almost looked like we COULD DO something about the problem. But thankfully, the people who wanted to make sure the U.S.A. would never be overrun by any small groups of politicians OR corporate interests made it illegal to prevent this.


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Sarcasm is one thing; but on serious issues on the Internet, I find it good to be clear about what is being said. Could you expand upon this? People can indeed address their Congress about this issue and indeed should. It may or may not go anywhere, but our republic requires a lot of persistence to be heard.

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1) You already know that people can address their members of congress about this. So what do you need expansion upon?

2) If you get that it's sarcasm, then I kind of already expanded on it. There are laws in place making it illegal for politicians to have This Much Power. It's legally possible to be kept in check by We The People.

3) Everyone here would prefer to sacrifice their own children than to question a Single Authority Figure or even discuss doing so.

The jabs aren't mandating THEMSELVES are they? Neither can their manufacturers. Every single last person here KNOWS that they can't GET mandated without the full knowledge & approval of these people here http://allaregreen.us/ AND that their own laws make it illegal for them to do this.

But they'd all rather sacrifice their own children than face such truths so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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That was more clear. Thank you. As we have been seeing, laws, even our Constitution and BOR, has/is being used in a very lopsided fashion. Laws are only as good as those who make and maintain them. In a representative republic like ours, with the way our system as been abused by politicians, it is quite challenging to get actual fairness and balance.

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Oh, you want to "get" fairness & balance, eh? Would you like that with champagne AND caviar? It's something that absolutely NO ONE is going to SERVE to you. Tell us all who you expect to0 deliver this, when & with how many balloons?

Let's list all the other things we realistically expect to have done FOR us because we whine about them, then expect some Great Force to come do them for us, shall we? You know instead of having to pay someone or do them ourselves. Household chores? Driving the kids to soccer practice? Amazing isn't it how as soon as we think it's 'Government's' responsibility, we beg for it to "get" done.

Please tell us what Special, Magical God-like powers Mitch & Co. have that are beyond those of mere mortals that we need to WAIT to "get" them to comply with our desires? How are mere people who happen to have jobs in governmental offices so beyond our ability to charge arrest or prosecute that we need their permission to hold them accountable? Where is THAT stated in the constitution?

This is EXACTLY what I said above: you would all PREFER to continue sacrificing your children than question one single hollow surrogate-Daddy. Watching children die needlessly is easier.

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Anyone interested in how this product is produced and what is in it will find info in the FDA approval document. All testing and results are in this document. https://www.fda.gov/media/135999/download

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Why would you ever shop at trader Joe's anyways? Almost everything there is garbage

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if you live in a food desert it may be your best choice as opposed to Walmart

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How does this get stopped? Can the growers refuse to use it?

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Telling these produce companies you won’t want it & using your dollars to buy NON APEEL produce. Supporting ORGANIC farms that don’t use it.

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Cattlemen's Association announced this month that mRNA vaccines would roll out in May ( They have currently retracted this after social media backlash) Retracted does not mean they are not working on it because their statement does not say never and says vaccines are nessasary. We know they are rolling this tech out in Australia and New Zealand for livestock. We are hearing bees too are to be getting RNA tech to innoculate the hive. No one has a clue what this new tech is going to do long term. If they say they do, they are liars. Eating this. How will our bodies take it up or not? The Chinese are currently involved in edible mRNA studies. Brave New World.

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The public is able to access human clinical trial information, but is not able to do so for clinical trials involving animal health. So, that injected meat is a no for me. We all know how trust worthy and honest the drug companies are, right?

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I saw this too but want you to know I called the cattle association headquarters in Colorado. They told me that it was a rumor that blew up on social media. And that there are currently no products on the market that are being tested with MRNA technology in beef. Or to be injected into the cattle.

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We live in a time when you will not be able to blindly trust anything. They will make lies truth and truth lies. The clown will be normal, the normal the clown.

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Rachel, it is something they are working on behind the scenes. The social media outcry caused them to retract for now. Australia and New Zealand are rolling out their new tech later this year. Dr. Mercola says they have been working with pigs. Sad note in Dr. Mercolas post is 17% of the pigs died right after their jab.

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Hmmm. Keep questioning EVERYTHING.

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Makes eating out less appealing for certain

I am a pretty good chef but enjoy eating out as well

I go to local farmer markets more for meat and eggs

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Bees! What? Dear God help us.

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Again, Sandy you are so wrong. The mRNA vaccines are an amazing innovation. They have been used in pigs since 2008 and solve some important problems in animal husbandry. New vaccines for cattle, pigs, fish and poultry are coming, and they will happen. Farmers will have improved vaccines, animal health improves, and consumers have safer food with lower prices. Nobody is being 'innoculated" except for the animal, which has a withdrawal period that is far longer than the mRNA half life. We know exactly what it does in the long term. It is translated into an immunogenic protein and then is degraded. Someday you may receive a life-saving treatment with this technology. It's here, its good, learn about it, don't fight something you don't understand.

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If it is so degraded, why is it being found in the bodies of the mRNA humans. You are so full of it. German pathology can now verify vaccine deaths. The Germans are looking in to this vs the United States and the UK which have tried to silence anyone looking in to it. It is going to come out in the future exactly what your mRNA vaccine can do. "We know exactly what it does in the long term." Does this make you Complicit or just brain boxed to believe whatever they say? How is that it was never going to leave the arm thing going? You have not addressed that proteins can in fact be toxic, like say Mad Cow disease. I think anyone reading you and then me can see you are losing the argument, fast. Safe and effective?

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A good tech is not something you have to lie about. Something that is suppressed when other scientists want to look in to it. Something you have to cover up. Good science should not line the pockets of the greedy.

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Notice he never answered any of your questions

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see my comment above

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Folta is a pro-gmo scientist. I had a bit of ptsd seeing his name in the comments here. I dealt with him when the county I was living in was discussing banning GMO crops. He's paid to sell whatever inventions they come up with, without long term (ie more than 90 days!) testing.

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When I buy a chicken, I want to know that the chicken I buy is going to have a good long life. If your mRNA tech gives them a short life full of issues down the line, that is not going to be good tech that will be crime against nature. If this mRNA was so good, they would not have had to sell it with threats, lies, and doctored data. I wonder how much they are paying you to do damage control in this blog. When you follow the money and people lately, you find out some very eye opening stuff.

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Dont trust it at all

Big Pharma has been lying for a very long time

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I am finding out Apeel has deep ties to the World Economic Forum. You know the people who called themselves our masters and have members that think there are too many people on the planet that are worthless feeders. Some members have even suggested depopulation programs. You know those sweet Eugenics majors. https://www.weforum.org/organizations/apeel-sciences

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Where is my thumbs down button? Not for me.

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How much were you paid to say this? If we mess with god's creation we'll pay the price your ignorant for thinking otherwise. Bill Gates said we'll all be vaccinated one way or another and we won't have a choice. These evil people and the people who support them have to be removed from society please God take these evil people out

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Why must we have animals farms that squeeze living beings into such unhealthy environs that they “NEED” such products? There are better options than dependency on such systems.

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Kevin you are absolutely clueless. Look at all the vaccine injured, including my mother and soo many others.

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An animal does not need inoculation to be healthy if living on open range and not in some crammed feed lot!

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No vaccine is safe or good Kevin. I can’t even believe you said that. 😱

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There is so much information to the contrary on the mRNA vaccines. You do NOT know exactly what this does to food or humans in the long term. To say so is outrageous. Your condescending 'it's here, its good, learn about it, DON'T FIGHT SOMETHING YOU DON"T UNDERSTAND' statement is beyond offensive. Exactly who do you think you are....

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Oh really (laughs)?? And that’s why the rates of disease, especially rare cancers and mental health issues have gone up exponentially in the last several years. Yeah, must be the safe things they are selling us.

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https://usrtk.org/industry-pr/kevin-folta/ This lik tells you everything you need to know about Kevin Folta.

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Not really. USRTK is an evil organization that seeks to harm the reputations of scientists that educate the public. Maybe rather than seek poor-quality information that confirms your biases, maybe pay attention to what I actually do-- from winning awards in education and public service to being an effective farmers market president. I've been a public scientist my entire career. This is why USRTK hates me. I teach people about evidence and science. That threatens USRTK. So if you believe their page, that means you are not a good critical reader. There are rebuttals everywhere to their attacks on scientists.

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NO. I have been researching mRNA mechanisms for > 2 years and have been a HCP for over 30. Dig much deeper. Question everything. Question things as far as the production of prions. This article refers to SARSCOV2 mRNA vaccines. Nonetheless there is the risk or prion development with these mechanisms. Dr. Richard M. Fleming goes into some detail, among other deadly issues r/t these mechanisms. It does involve require going through the biochemistry, etc. Prion development--not a good thing, period. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9922164/

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(Probably trusts the FDA and DOE). 🙄

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Nonetheless they've been using recombinant gmo vaccines on all livestock I think it's been since 2009. That includes all organically raised and fed livestock, any and all livestock which makes it to your local market.

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They will see people are not buying the food with the Apeel label or sticker and just roll it out without. The real thing we need to get done is to change organic laws. Right now they use vaccines on organic livestock, they do not have to say where something is grown, who produced it, or what is totally in it. We need a right to know food act that will make organic and conventional foods transparent. Also mRNA tech and other tech should not be allowed in organic foods. As it stands there is nothing really to stop new tech going into organic, except the producers themselves and we already see some of those producers are big corporations willing to use. Any animals that needs vaccine should be moved to convential herds. The only thing organic is not allowing is antibiotics, then it is tested here and there for pesticides, herbicides. There is a lot of weakness in our organic laws. Big money made sure.

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I have been looking for the Apeel labels and not finding any, have continued buying produce from Whole Foods - but got a text from my sister it is on WF produce without being labeled that it is covered in the stuff. I will pursue this with the manager of our local WF tomorrow....

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My local Natural Grocers store states clearly on the front door that their products do not include APEEL. Yay!

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Do you really believe the sticker will always be present. Even if so for the most part, eventually as this agent or ones similar are accepted, and research places like business insider/investments--investors believe this is better than sliced bread--eventually, the stickers won't be there at all. You won't know.

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How many people have that in them anymore? Once entire cities stopped Fluoridation. Spokane comes to mind. Now Spokane is looking into adding it. They have teamed up with Arcora Foundation to do a study in how much money would be needed to add the Fluoride. The voters voted it out. They will keep at it till they get it. Big money in selling fertilizer waste which is where fluoride comes from the smoke stacks from industrial plants making fertilizer. Only a handful of countries fluoridate their water—such as Australia, Ireland, Singapore, and Brazil, in addition to the United States. Western European nations have largely rejected the practice. Why? Because they learned that fluoride in the water leads to bone loss and other health issues. We learned it can calm people down. Fluoride in water has a calming action people become more docile. "communities that have stopped fluoridation have not experienced an increase in dental caries. Furthermore, dental health in regions which have never fluoridated their water is not significantly different from fluoridated regions. In Canada, for example, non-fluoridated British Columbians actually have fewer cavities than fluoridated Ontarians." https://origins.osu.edu/article/toxic-treatment-fluorides-transformation-industrial-waste-public-health-miracle?language_content_entity=en

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So I contacted Calavo company they said it can be used for Hass avocados per order by request. They said they are not doing it for organic avocado whole foods company - can that be trusted? Does the company need to say? Do you see any Calavo organic avocado with a sticker on it?

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I haven’t seen anything that says it has to have a sticker on it which sucks.

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They did say they typically put stickers on. How do I know that I can trust what they said which is - by customer request and yet specifically for Whole foods organic Hass they don't do it they said. Some of the avocados look regular and some look full.

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Krysten's Kitchen is right. They can only be held accountable in a court if they specifically say they are NOT sourcing or producing produce and such with these agents.

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And of that, in writing.

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Organic isn’t safe from this either.

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Definitely not safe from this horror show.

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Yes. The issue is finding those growers who won't use it and finding those markets who won't source it is the big issue right now. I can't even get any feedback from growers I have reached out to. I can't even get Dr. Josh Axe to respond to concerns on it on FB.

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Is there anywhere online to order non apeel produce? I shop at Sprouts, Whole Foods, Harris Teeter, and Lowes foods. I never trust Whole Foods.

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If you have a Natural Grocers Store near by they don't source Apeel produce.

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Azure Standard's CEO just released a statement that they WILL NOT be using Apeel. I'm going to switch from TJ's to getting all my produce from Azure.


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This links to their home page now. Can anybody find this now? Hoping they didn’t roll back.

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Growers can refuse to use this. This is a product you order and have done. However will places like Costco, Trader Joes, Sprouts spray the foods when they come in to avoid profits going down? Why does it end up in dumpsters? Just send it to the homeless. We have a lot of Americans hungry and homeless. You would think Costco, Trader Joes, and others could mark it off as a charitable deduction. Hard for me to believe that they can not deduct food waste going to a shelter. Why this apeel? Maximun profits?

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I tried talking with market managers regarding their thrown out food for the homeless. They will not do it. I noticed a week later they had locked their dumpsters. Yes, we tried dumpster diving. Here in Santa Monica with a homeless rule and Rome, and throw over trash cans, and as I personally witnessed threatening local residence, the city did nothing to help the homeless or keep us residence safe. The worlds harm organization… You cannot trust them like Bill Gates and their vaccine programs that have completely failed with this mRNA rollout/disaster. I will talk to my local grocers about this label. I refuse to eat plastic as plastic has destroyed our sea wildlife in the oceans. Found your call I’m here and will follow you on these items. Keep up the excellent work.

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If you contact the store produce manager rather than try to dumpster dive you willl have better results. We've collected old produce for years for food pantries and pets or compost bins.

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Ask your Congress to stop allowing Bill Gates to c9ntrol our food and chemtrail us in poison.

Congress has stopped Gates for the moment on keeping our sky sun free in darkness. Yes the nut wants all to die. Congress and Senate need to step up. Call, email and tell others to do the same. It's try or die.

No the growers don't give a damn. They sell out.

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Contact your state representatives and senators! I had a couple respond when I messaged about the mrna being added to the animals in vaccines

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The growers are being told their produce is more valuable as it appears fresher much longer. But would guess it’s not the growers using it, but more likely the middle man, the distribution or packing facilities.

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Why are some of these commentators getting so angry about this article which is simply pointing out why we all need to have an abundance of caution when it comes to altering our food supply with artificial inventions. Krysten is doing a great service to those who were perviously unaware of this issue. Each one can make his or her own choice. Nothing to get steamed up over guys, unless you happen to be steaming fresh, organic, unadulterated, real, clean, healthy and yummy vegetables!!!!

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Bahahah gimme allll the steamed yummy organic not treated with APEEL veggies yasss! Thanks for the love and for reading!

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They are not angry at Kristen. They are angry it’s happening- It’s hard to not do a knee jerk reaction to such vile news.

But they meant no harm to the post I’m sure.

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I am glad she has this site and there is awareness. God knows the Internet and media sources are very limited to question it and are in favor of it. I am indeed angry that there is an intentional move to further taint our food sources and thus wellness, and people, investors, farmers/growers, and others are thinking this is such a great thing. As often is the case, it is not what it seems. The Emperor's New Clothes. If only they would leave organic food naked.

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An outstanding eye-opener.

May I also add that according to the plans that Bill Gates also publicly supports, humans are about to be "vaccinated" (poisoned) through the food supply:


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People with soy allergies have long known to avoid Apeel.

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Love that for my soy-free friends but why didn’t anyone tell the rest of us? I’m soy free but it’s not an allergen/intolerance.

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Yes, I've heard that many times, too.

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That makes zero sense. We know the proteins that are immunogenic in soy. They are not lipids, and there is unlikely any reaction to lipids.

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I am finding out Apeel has deep ties to the World Economic Forum. You know the people who called themselves our masters and have members that think there are too many people on the planet that are worthless feeders. Some members have even suggested depopulation programs. You know those sweet Eugenics majors. https://www.weforum.org/organizations/apeel-sciences

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Soy oil-->derivation-->glycerides Sigh.

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Also messes with your hormones. My doc said avoid soy at all costs

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So, all produce with Apeel coatings are labeled? I haven't seen any labels yet and I shop for organics at Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Target, Krogers and Wal Mart...anyone see them yet?

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I’ve seen a few pics with the sticker on it saying APEEL. Went to the store today and didn’t see stickers BUT saw some brands that use it on their organic produce. I can’t find anything that says they have to label it.

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Can you list companies that use it?!

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she did in the article. I shop at Trader Joes Whole Foods & shop rite. We have to buy straight from the farmer

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The farmer markets around my home just fill their tables with foods they bought in market store wholesale buys. The sellers some will straight up lie to you. Transparency of food in the USA is broken. No need to know. Wild Wild West shopping. No one fixing it with a strong Food Act. Organics have become a joke. They allow vaccines, no telling one where something is grown, and now many of our herbs have warning labels may contain lead or heavy metals. ( they warned you so on you if you fill up on this) Why most is now grown in China and they have soil issues due to their pollution levels. ) Organic food providers use words like packed in the USA or manafactured does not mean grown.

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There are "producer-only" farmers' markets. If there aren't any in your town, you can probably change that.

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This legislation meeting Wednesday is for demanding it all be labeled. They want to use it without accountability

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We need all loop holes in Organic to be closed. Organic should mean organic 100%, right down to the rot. I got an issue over the fact organic can use vaccines. We are seeing some organic meat providers make statements they will not use mRNA tech. Some of us do not have the luxury to buy organic meat online. I get mine from Costco. With the new mRNA vaccine tech coming online by their need to try out the new toy. Nothing is now protecting us as organic buyers, yet they still want to charge us an arm and a leg for it. We need an Organic food act as well as a national transparency Food Act. We deserve to know what is in our food, who makes it, where it is grown and how it is manafactured. https://www.alderspring.com/organic-beef-matters/glenns-response-to-the-mrna-vaccine/

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So you are pro-animal suffering? Pro animal disease? You'd like farmers to have to raise, treat and lose animals to preventable disease? Sell meat from sick animals?

Vaccines are so important in preventing disease in livestock. I vaccinate new chicks, pigs, and everything on our operation. I would NEVER risk their health and losing our flock to easily preventable disease. It would not be good for our animals, our customers, or us.

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Kevin, You are twisting my words. When you use the population as lab rats for your new toys such as mRNA. I got an issue with vaccines. I bet you are pro abortion. Just try virtue signaling this one. You get rights over your body only if we the powers say so. Kevin I do not think so. My body my choice... If I do not want your little tested products going into my body, it will not happen. The body belongs to me. You eat right, do the right things, take care of your immunity system which is better than any tech you Kevin can roll out. I am sorry for the people in the last few years. Charles Darwin and nature shows it is a game of survival of the fit. I am 56 and did not take your new tech. Because I got that little thing critical thinking. When they had to roll it out looking like Revelations, bribe people to take it, and sell it with lies. Flags went up. Also anyone with knowledge knows proteins can be dangerous. Mad Cow disease is an abnormal prion protein that crosses the brain blood barrier. Surprise some studies are suggesting the spike protein crossed over the brain barrier suggesting possible dementia risk later on.

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Kevin you do not know me. Long ago your science almost killed me. I got my MMR poke. Right after I got the mumps, then the measles, and finished out with chicken pox. For one month I fought to live. For many years I had to fight back leg and bone pains. Just to walk to grandma's house was painful. I had to do frequent stops along the way. Needless to say the last time mom lined me up to get jabbed. I think it really scared her.Lucky for me I do not seem to have any lasting effects. The leg and bone pains went away. The Irish have a saying, "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. " Irresponsible untested science for money and gain should not be playing god. It seems the attitude is just like at the Industrial Revolution Time. You got to break some eggs to find if it kills or sickens. I thought we learned history in order to not repeat. You got new wow toys to hell with caution.

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I thought that you, and others, might find this vaccine-related presentation of mine from 2018 of interest:

“Why Is This Legal?”


Laura Hayes


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best quote of the day. "Imagine living in a time where just being skeptical and cautious is regarded as heresy."

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So, vaccines are the only way to be healthy? That's assuming that they aren't harmful, as many have proven to be. Do you alert your customers that you do this? What's the name of your farm so we can boycott it?

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I am finding out Apeel has deep ties to the World Economic Forum. You know the people who called themselves our masters and have members that think there are too many people on the planet that are worthless feeders. Some members have even suggested depopulation programs. You know those sweet Eugenics majors. https://www.weforum.org/organizations/apeel-sciences

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I think they will not label. They want to make maximum profits. They are rolling out in dozens of countries. The British are starting to notice it. One commenter on here stated as long as it is safe, (they will tell you what is safe,) you have no right to know. Beer boycott has crashed the stock of that company, people really do vote with their money.

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My avocados on Cape Cod had the sticker.

Threw them away.

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You should go to the supermarket where you bought them and tell the manager why you threw them away and tell them you won’t buy any more

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My solution would be to grow my own food, however, after 50 years in ILL Annoyed they have so poisoned the soil that I can't grow anymore.

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I know even the soil is awful! I’m so sorry! And yes the solution is growing your own produce if you can.

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I was told by a insider from a building that has 5 sides that there are chemicals that are designed to be sprayed on En Em Me ground that will prevent anything from growing for 7 years. This, of course, is a We Upon of Whar. However, the Human Drugs (not a mistake of words, it's a discovery of mine) that they use in industrial agriculture that has the added benefit of killing weeds have so altered the soil that it can only support their GMO monsters. Imagine having a garden in the same place for 50 years and then the same years that the WEF declares we will own nothing and be un-happy, you find that that same soil can no longer feed you. This is a generational/millennial plan. This is why they purposely poisoned the air, water, and soil.

My goal is to find out how to heal my soil because we are one with the ground. If we can fix the ground we can fix ourselves.

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Def love the soil thing because that’s where it starts. If your food is organic but you have bad soil then it becomes an oxymoron

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Yes! Classic line at farmers markets: ‘no spray’ …never ‘no chemicals in soil.’ 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Last summer, most of my gardening friends were complaining that they couldn't grow even tomatoes or zucchini! Gotta be something in the soil or water!

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Tomatoes are weeds. They grow when you totally ignore them. A southern gardener grew a 20' yellow pear tomato tree with a scaffold around it decades ago. They can be found in the tropics with woody trunks 18' tall in the jungle. Around the year 2000 all of my neighbors had converted (hmmm.... interesting word choice) to GMO crops that were ROUNDUP READY. So Glyphosate (the failed antibiotic for worldwide Lyme disease) was mother's milk for crops. Seriously. If the crops were NOT poisoned they would languish. That started a condition where a tomato might grow, might set fruit, might bring the fruit to a medium size, stay green all season and the frost would kill the plant.

I brought this up on a call in show with the local extension service and they claimed that they never had that problem and never heard of it. I asked if it could be the complete changeover to using glyphosate and they dismissed that without even a pause.

Thing of it is: I was always growing Hair Loom crops without fertilizer. I'm getting a sense that what people think are hybrids in the seed packs are already GMOed for the new conditions and a long as you use commercial fertilizer you MIGHT get by.

I got six cucumbers out of a ten foot row of vines.

I'm trying to investigate the water which is a problem when counting radioactive isotopes. There is a patent for THORIUM the dirtiest of them all to be used as a refractory material in chemtrails. The 'background' radiation here in ILL Annoyed (center of the state) is the high 30s. The action level is 100 counts per minute. My soil is reading in the 60s.

I confirmed that commercial phosphorus fertilizer reads about 120 so it's hard to say if the dirt is contaminated by chemtrails or terrestrial spread isotopes. There's uranium, thorium and potassium isotopes in mined phosphorus fertilizer so it is 'natural' for them to be there. I'm looking into Rice Bran as a source of phosphate now but I haven't put the counter on it.

So, thorium has always been my main concern with chemtrails but the aluminum, barium and strontium (has radio isotopes) are a constant that have been measured by other investigators.

Monsanto has been developing ALUMINUM RESISTANT crops so you know that they know that no life is going to be able to survive unless it's been tinkered with.

The Military has chemicals that can render soil sterile for 7 years. Eat bugs or starve. Billy Goat bought up all of that farm land and you know that he'll take it out of production to 'save the planet'. I've seen some bad doodoo but nothing compares to this. You can't even compost this kind of Man Noor.

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Um, no. I'm not sure if you are kidding or just trolling.

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You need to do your research Kevin. Try starting with Dane Wiggington's Geo Engineering Watch website.

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Try trays of micro greens. I live in an area where the weather even harms our growing season, lots of hail, high heat, Texas Panhandle etc. I have started to grow micro greens on trays. You are right. Replacing soil for a home garden is almost impossible. being that they sell junk recycled who knows what is in it. Plants seem to be having issues growing. I am hearing many people who say their gardens are not growing like they use too. In my day, you use to plant and everything would just take off. Now it seems you have a struggle from not enough bees to polinate, poor soil, to crazy weather.

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Thanks for your reply. My goal was to grow things that would permanently produce food inside the house. I found out that a pepper plant is a PERENNIAL! Apparently one woman has a tree (not a typo) that is over fifteen years old and at least 6 foot tall. She has to have it moved around with a hand truck. I grew a tobasco for three years then put it outside and it got destroyed. I have a 1.5 year old Ghost Pepper (one MILLION heat units) that I dug out of the failing garden, put in a pot with garden soil, tried to detox the soil, it started to grow after a few months, but then ABORTED all of the flowers. Typically a plant will only do that if they aren't pollenated properly. I hand pollenate the flowers but they just fall right off.

"Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a flowering plant that is grown as an annual in most regions, though the species is a perennial plant in the dry tropical regions where it is native.Okra is sometimes used as a landscape plant for its attractive flowers. However, it is usually grown as a vegetable crop for its edible seed pods that appear after the flowers bloom."

I've got an okra that was languishing in the garden and did the same, it would set a fruit without even forming a flower (I've never seen anything like that in 50-years!) The pod is totally inedible. Before the chemical hollow cost, I could grow okra outdoors six feet tall. The winter would get them but then I'd just seed them again from seed I got from the plants.

The past 3 years I can barely get seeds to germinate.

If I were to try microgreens it would be for what they call remediation to pull the toxins out of the soil then dump the greens and keep going until the soil was purged.

I can tell you what is in potting soil: FILLER. There is no nutrition or ability to hold a microbial ecology. The puffed mica probably brings asbestos with it. The coconut fiber (to replace sphagnum moss) probably has the Agent Orange used in vietnam in it. Miracle grow has EDTA in it that makes soil toxic. You can chelate metals with citric acid so they do the wrong thing on purpose. Most fertilizers have Bacillus subtilis in them. This is a spore forming cousin of anthrax that is a sewage bacteria that can be harmful to fatal to those with immune compromise. Isn't that interesting that it is now part of UNREGULATED probiotic formulas?

The govern mente is in on all of this. Bacillus subtilis (I like to call it Bs) has an enzyme that can break down prions (mad cow) that in my estimation is now a planetwide contaminant.

So, unless you make it yourself you have no idea what is in it.

It's sad that people are noting that things don't grow. In the 1970s you couldn't GIVE away tomatoes or zuchinni but by 2000 I couldn't even bring a tomato to maturity.

When I used to check my squash blossoms I would see a honey bee or a bumble bee and a cucumber beetle (pathogen) SITTING inside the flower DOING NOTHING. It was as if they were so stunned or sickened by the chemicals that they couldn't even move.

The UN banned weather warfare in the early 1970s. What that means is that the militaries of the world already had the power to do it. Only rarely do I see 'real' weather when they stop chemtrailing. The Aluminum in the chemtrails alone can destroy a plant in short order. My trees are dying with no plausible reason why.

Well... I guess there's always bugs to eat....

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look into electroculture

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great article - thank you!!!! a detailed and updated list of companies using this would be amazing, yearly. for that i would totally subscribe and pay extra. well written and thank god some people see through all of this! sending love from a fellow researcher

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I’ll work on something :) I’m slowly gathering info

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I called Sprouts corporate offices to complain. They said they have had many calls. Consumers can change this. Just look at Bud Light.

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That’s very encouraging!! We MUST keep the pressure on to get the changes we need

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You know if the FDA says Apeel is safe then the opposite must be true. Just like a certain jab that they said was supposed to be safe and effective?

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This is at least a better approach than the one that has been confusing the Apeel coating with a completely separate chemical cleaner. https://curriejean.substack.com/publish/post/114235781

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Can you suggest places that are safe to buy organic produce from?

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I have a few blogs that list places that are safe as well as places that aren't. just search Apeel on my substack. The easiest way to avoid is to ask your produce managers about it and have them tell you what is treated with Apeel and what is not. if they aren't sure, as their supervisor. they have the access to that information since produce doesnt have to be labeled with a sticker if it has Apeel on it.

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Wish I could add an photo of an 🍏 I just bit into. It's rotten, brown, mushy moldy seeds from the core. I cut it in half after seeing brown one bite in 😵 seeds a shrunk and moldy. Never in 53 years seen core rot.

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or send it via instagram DM (instagram.com/krystenskitchen)

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can you email it to me? send me the pic!

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I emailed Misfits Market which is a company that reduces food waste by selling imperfect produce that isn’t pretty enough for the store. They do not source any produce using the Apeel coating nor do they have any plans whatsoever in the future of doing so. I’m thrilled! I’ll re open my membership with them.

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Amazing!!!! Thank you! I’ll share!

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Hi, sounds like they are straight up lying to you!! Misfits is owned by imperfect foods and if you google if they use Apeel, there are many articles stating that they do. This is directly from their website.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I was excited when I first saw your comment.

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Interesting b/c just 2 days ago I sent them a message about this very thing, and they have NOT responded. Hmmm

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Maybe given them a few more days. Something tells me they are probably getting a lot of emails about it

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Vote with your dollars

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Vote with your dollars

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